The President, Pundits, and Political Episodes of Dr. Pimple Popper

LaToya R Jefferson-James
5 min readMay 23, 2019


I do not own the copyright/license to any of the visual material below. I use them as an educational demonstration and not solely for personal gain.

I have to admit this: no matter how gross I think the pimples and lipomas may be, I CANNOT turn away from Dr. Pimple Popper. In fact, I record it. Could it be that we’re attracted to the nightly news about our current president for the same reason?

I LOVE Dr. Pimple Popper. I love it. I record episodes so that I can watch her greatest pops later!

Each week, I learn new terms for dermatological diseases and afflictions that I did not even know existed. Each week, I squirm as a benign tumor skirts in her face. Each week, I say, “Wow! That had to be about the worse skin thing I have ever seen.” Each week, I say, “I have never seen the likes of this.”

I find it odd that each day, when I turn on my nightly news, I hear journalists and political pundits use language that is almost identical to mine as I view Dr. Sandra Lee doing what she does best. Since the Trump presidency began, I have heard the word, “unprecedented” so often that it has become a cliche! In fact, I have heard that word so much that if I never hear it again after this presidency, it would be too soon! Each night, I am done with political pundits. Each next night, I am watching again.

Why do we continue to tune in nightly and check our Twitter feeds? We know that this is an unconventional (to put it nicely) president who does things without the decorum of the statesman that most presidents seemed to naturally possess. I think that was how he won election in the first place. Folk were tired of statesmanship and wanted jobs, pay raises, and a balanced budget. I think. I know that he is a business man -and not a statesman. We all know that. So, what’s the fascination?

I posit that we watch the nightly news and check our Twitter feeds for the seem reasons we have made Dr. Lee’s show a hit series: its grotesque, oddly human, and compelling television. Each night, we get to watch a slow American descent and we get to argue about where the bottom is. Each night, we get to complain about Pelosi and a Democratic Party that seems as weak as sugar water for not impeaching or making a show of bluster or something. Each night, all of us get to shirk off the severity of the situation, because it ain’t us spewing ridiculous things on Twitter or failing to do anything about the man who is spewing ridiculous feeds on television! We all get to play politician and lawyer and political pundit without bothering to attend law school or take a journalism class. In other words, we ain’t in the sausage making factory, and thus we have the luxury of watching and participating in a serious surgery on television, missing the squirts and the smells personally!

We even get to criticize the media! Most politicians have a love-hate relationship with our media, and now we have one, too! We get to complain about how tired we all are of hearing about Trump and wish they would just focus on something else. Yet, when Hillary Clinton was rolling out an educational plan for student loan debt, we all focused on Trump’s tweets. How many of us didn’t vote for Clinton because she was just “not inspiring” (entertaining).

Yes, we watch Dr. Pimple Popper, because removed from the burden of carrying these dermatological conditions around or having them squirt us in the face, it’s just doggone good entertainment! And this is what Trump serves us each and every day that he is president: he has made the office doggone good entertainment for all Americans. Whether we agree with him or not. Whether we like him or not. Whether we have ever had an interest in politics or not. We watch.

Downloaded from USA Today

President Trump serves us political episodes of Dr. Pimple Popper daily. And we love it! Admit it. We just about live for his twitter feed, hang onto his every word, and forget all about the very adult business of balancing the budget, choosing balanced federal courts, pushing a foreign policy that advances America’s interests diplomatically, keeping an eye on domestic and foreign terrorists, fixing our crumbling infrastructure which is decades behind most advanced countries, offering universal healthcare in America because the only Americans really guaranteed healthcare in America are behind prison walls, job creation that replaces those we have lost to outsourcing and automation, student loan debt, the oncoming storm of debt that we will face as Baby Boomers finally retire, raising the debt ceiling, paying off our creditors, ensuring equal protection under the law for all citizens (including Black males), fixing the inequities in our public schools, giving scientists incentives to explore the ocean and space at an equal rate, addressing global warming as a by-product of human activities, those animal species that should be on the endangered/protected species list, fresh water in Flint, actually giving Californians as much from the federal government as they give, clarifying the 2nd amendment since we have a National Guard, USDA quality standards, the gap in the wage gap between women and men, the stagnant class sections that America now has…And the list goes on.

But, for now, I’m about to check my twitter feed and set my DVR to catch the newest episode of Dr. Pimple Popper.

This is straight from the diary of a perpetual part-time professor who watches Dr. Pimple Popper when she should be grading papers.



LaToya R Jefferson-James
LaToya R Jefferson-James

Written by LaToya R Jefferson-James

LaToya Jefferson-James has a Ph.D. in literature. Welcome! The professor is in! Come in and stay a spell. Let’s discuss and learn from one another.

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